Swap BTC quickly and securely, across multiple chains and wallets. It’s all there in your MoonPay account.
Here's how to swap Bitcoin cross-chain with low fees.
We’re here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We also have a vast library of educational articles that demystify crypto exchanges, Bitcoin, blockchain, and more.
Whether you're an experienced trader or swapping crypto for the first time, the MoonPay app gives you the tools to get it done.
Users worldwide choose MoonPay to exchange cryptocurrencies. With over 93,000 reviews on TrustPilot, our average score is 4.3 out of 5.
Bitcoin swaps are only available in the MoonPay app. To see BTC as a swapping option, you'll need to have Bitcoin tokens in your MoonPay BTC account.
You can swap Bitcoin for other cryptocurrencies on the MoonPay app, as long as you have BTC stored in your MoonPay Bitcoin wallet to exchange BTC for new tokens. We’re working actively to make Bitcoin swaps available within the MoonPay widget for mobile and desktop users as well.
BTC exchanges usually take between a few minutes and a few hours, depending on factors including network congestion and token liquidity. If it is your first time using MoonPay, then verification will take additional time to complete.
MoonPay is used by more than 15 million users worldwide, since our founding in 2019. We are constantly improving our fiat-to-crypto on-ramp and cryptocurrency exchange features to better serve our global customers. MoonPay’s compliance and security measures aim to protect and safeguard our customers.
The minimum amount of BTC to swap is $65 USD. The maximum amount allowed for a single crypto exchange transaction is $100,000 USD.
MoonPay does not charge a processing fee to convert BTC to other cryptocurrencies. Users are only responsible for paying network fees.
All users of the MoonPay platform are subject to KYC requirements.
You can contact our support team 24/7, or visit our Swaps Help Center for more information about crypto exchanges. You can also start a chat with MoonPay customer support. Be sure to select “Transactions” as your issue, if you are looking for assistance with a crypto exchange.