100+ cryptocurrencies. Plenty of ways to pay. Absolutely zero hassle. MoonPay makes it easy to buy, sell, and swap crypto. Open your free account today.
Buy crypto in 150+ countries using the local currency of your bank account. We offer different payment options that cater to your region.
Our customers trust us to make buying crypto secure. We follow proactive, industry-standard security measures to help keep them safe.
Whether you're a seasoned trader or buying crypto for the first time, the MoonPay app gives you the tools to get it done.
Users worldwide choose MoonPay to exchange cryptocurrencies. With over 93,000 reviews on TrustPilot, our average score is 4.2 out of 5.
Only you can determine whether buying cryptocurrency is worth it, and you should remember that purchasing any cryptocurrency carries certain risks. Some factors that others may consider when deciding whether to make a purchase are the token's price, market cap, supply, as well as your individual risk appetite.MoonPay cannot offer you investment advice and cannot tell you whether any cryptocurrency is worth buying. Always remember to do your own research before making any purchase!
MoonPay allows you to buy cryptocurrency from our catalog of more than 100 supported tokens. Choose from cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), and XRP (XRP), or stablecoins like Tether (USDT), USDC (USDC), and Dai (DAI).
You can buy crypto and use it to pay for goods and services, send money internationally, buy NFTs, play blockchain-based games, or simply store your digital assets in a cryptocurrency wallet.
Since cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that run on decentralized networks and can be programmed into numerous app, the potential use cases are limitless.
MoonPay is used by more than 15 million users worldwide, since our founding in 2019. We are constantly improving our fiat-to-crypto on-ramp and cryptocurrency exchange features to better serve our global customers. MoonPay’s compliance and security measures aim to protect and safeguard our customers.
You can use any Visa, Mastercard or Maestro debit card or credit card to buy crypto on MoonPay.
We also support bank transfers, and mobile options like Apple Pay and Google Pay. If you're interested in buying crypto with local methods, we accept SEPA (EU), Faster Payments Service (UK), and PIX (Brazil).
You can also top up your wallet with euros, pounds, or dollars and use your MoonPay Balance to purchase crypto like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. With MoonPay Balance, you'll enjoy quicker transactions, higher approval rates, and zero-fee withdrawals to your bank account when you cash out.
Delivery times for crypto transactions can vary based on the payment method used to purchase. You can receive your crypto in as little as 5 minutes when paying by credit/debit card. If you pay with bank transfer, receiving your crypto can take between 1-3 business days.
*Note: For first time customers, additional security checks could take up to a few hours, even when buying cryptocurrency by card.