MoonPay offers a fast and easy way to buy Compound (COMP) in Australia with a credit or debit card, Apple Pay, and more.
Enter the amount in COMP or AUD that you wish to purchase
Enter your COMP wallet address
Verify your email and basic information
You're now ready to buy Compound with a credit card or your preferred payment method!
Purchase Compound in Australia and 160 other countries using the local currency of your bank account, including AUD.
You can buy Compound in small or large quantities. Start by purchasing Compound for as little as AU$44 on MoonPay.
MoonPay employs certain security measures to try to ensure all Australian customers have a safe Compound purchase experience.
Store your newly purchased Compound in your preferred wallet. There are many custodial and non-custodial wallets to choose from.
You can stake COMP on the Compound network to earn passive income with rewards distributed in COMP.
After you buy Compound, you can transfer it to anyone in Australia and across the globe, as long as you know their Compound wallet address.
Use your Compound to purchase goods and services from a growing number of participating Australian merchants that accept Compound and cryptocurrency.
Exchange your COMP for another cryptocurrency directly in your wallet or by using a DeFi application.
There are several Australian charities that accept donations in COMP (Compound) and other cryptocurrency for local efforts like Habitat for Humanity, Oxfam Australia, and Cancer Council.
Compound is a DeFi protocol built for lending and borrowing on its decentralized platform. Users can deposit cryptocurrency assets into Compound pools to receive cTokens as collateral. Compound can be used to borrow, lend, and earn interest on crypto assets.
MoonPay is a fast and flexible platform that allows Australian users to easily buy, sell, and swap over 100 cryptocurrencies, including Compound (COMP), Bitcoin (BTC), and Ethereum (ETH). We offer a variety of payment methods like credit/debit cards and Apple Pay for fast Compound deliveries your non-custodial wallet within minutes. MoonPay is focused on self-custody and decentralization, and our ISO 27001 certification means that we implement security measures to protect users' transactions.
Want to buy COMP with a credit card? You’re in luck. MoonPay accepts most major credit and debit cards, including VISA and MasterCard. If you want to buy Compound with a card, just enter the amount in COMP or Australian dollars that you wish to purchase, then enter your COMP wallet address. You're now ready to buy Compound with a credit card or your favorite payment method!
The exact amount of Compound you can buy will depend on your account limit, with higher purchases requiring increasing/different KYC (Know Your Customer) levels. The minimum amount that Australian customers can purchase is AU$44.
Only you can determine whether buying COMP is worth it, and you should remember that purchasing any cryptocurrency carries certain risks. Some factors that others may consider when deciding whether to make a purchase are the token's price, market cap, supply, as well as your individual risk appetite. MoonPay cannot offer you investment advice and cannot tell you whether any cryptocurrency is worth buying. Always remember to do your own research before making any purchase!