MoonPay offers a fast and easy way to buy Worldcoin (WLD) in Australia with a credit or debit card, Apple Pay, and more.
Enter the amount in WLD or AUD that you wish to purchase
Enter your WLD wallet address
Verify your email and basic information
You're now ready to buy Worldcoin with a credit card or your preferred payment method!
Purchase Worldcoin in Australia and 160 other countries using the local currency of your bank account, including AUD.
You can buy Worldcoin in small or large quantities. Start by purchasing Worldcoin for as little as AU$44 on MoonPay.
MoonPay employs certain security measures to try to ensure all Australian customers have a safe Worldcoin purchase experience.
Store your newly purchased Worldcoin in your preferred wallet. There are many custodial and non-custodial wallets to choose from.
After you buy Worldcoin, you can transfer it to anyone in Australia and across the globe, as long as you know their Worldcoin wallet address.
Swap your Worldcoin for another cryptocurrency directly in your wallet or by using a DeFi application.
You can join as a Worldcoin Orb Operator to earn WLD for enrolling others with Orbs.
Worldcoin's core objective is to ensure equal access to the global economy, transcending geographical boundaries and socio-economic backgrounds. At its heart, it envisions becoming a vast, all-encompassing network that grants individuals worldwide their unique human identity and financial autonomy. The ultimate goal is to embrace and include every individual on Earth, fostering an inclusive environment that empowers everyone to reap the benefits of the AI-driven era.
Yes. Worldcoin is built on the Ethereum blockchain utilizing both Layer-1 and Layer-2 blockchain technologies for efficiency. As an ERC-20 token, WLD is eligible for trading on the Uniswap crypto exchange.
If it’s your first time purchasing Worldcoin, no worries! When you go through the steps of buying wld, you’ll be asked to enter a wallet address. It’s a good idea to double check that the wld address you entered is correct, so that your tokens end up in the right place. Still confused? Read our handy guide on how to choose a crypto wallet.
If it’s your first time purchasing Worldcoin, no worries! When you go through the steps of buying wld, you’ll be asked to enter a wallet address. It’s a good idea to double check that the wld address you entered is correct, so that your tokens end up in the right place. Still confused? Read our handy guide on how to choose a crypto wallet.
The exact amount of Worldcoin you can buy will depend on your account limit, with higher purchases requiring increasing/different KYC (Know Your Customer) levels. The minimum amount that Australian customers can purchase is AU$44.
After buying Worldcoin (WLD), you can participate in the WLD global blockchain network. You can use Worldcoin to pay transaction fees on the network, and trade Worldcoin for other crypto assets on any supported decentralized exchange.Worldcoin can be stored in the World App crypto wallet. Create a World ID to sign in to websites and apps without divulging your personal information, and use your World ID to claim monthly Worldcoin Grants (in selected countries).
Worldcoin stands as a decentralized open-source protocol, backed by a worldwide community of developers, economists, and technologists. Their collective dedication revolves around broadening participation in and accessibility to the global digital economy. The ultimate vision is to transform into a public network, owned and governed by all. Learn more at