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Polkadot Price (DOT)

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Dados do Preço do Polkadot em Tempo Real

The live DOT price is currently {{current_price}}, {{up_down_24h}} {{price_change_percentage_24h_in_currency}} in the last 24-hours. Polkadot's 24-hour trading volume is {{total_volume}}. Polkadot is currently {{market_cap_rank}} by market capitalization, which is calculated by multiplying the current price ({{current_price}}) with the circulating supply ({{circulating_supply}}). The market capitalization for Polkadot is {{market_cap}}. DOT has a circulating supply of {{circulating_supply}} and a max supply of {{max_supply}}. To buy DOT at the current rate, visit moonpay/buy/dot.

Desempenho do Preço do DOT ()


Informações Sobre o Preço do Polkadot

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Mínimo: 0.00Máximo: 0.00

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Sobre o Polkadot (DOT)

Polkadot is a “Layer-zero” solution, acting as a hub that connects different blockchains. The Polkadot protocol aims to solve the problem of interoperability between blockchains, allowing previously incompatible networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum to connect and communicate with each other. 

Polkadot consists of a central Relay Chain that coordinates various specialized blockchains called parachains. New parachains are built using the Substrate framework, allowing developers to customize their own features. By connecting to the Relay Chain, these parachains can communicate and connect with each other.

The Relay Chain serves as the foundation, where consensus is achieved through a Proof of Stake mechanism involving validating nodes. Each parachain operates independently and periodically syncs with the Relay Chain to ensure security and coordination. This shared security feature makes Polkadot attractive, as parachains can benefit from the overall network security without the need to establish and secure their own separate networks.

Polkadot also incorporates features like on-chain governance, allowing network users to vote on the future of the platform, and forkless upgrades, which facilitate rule changes without requiring node operators to install new software.

The native cryptocurrency of the Polkadot network is called DOT. DOT plays a crucial role as a governance token that also powers Polkadot's staking mechanisms. DOT holders can participate in governance by voting on proposals and securing the network by staking DOT.

Polkadot price history


Polkadot offered its ICO (initial coin offering) in 2020 with a price of $0.29 USD per token. By the end of the year, the Polkadot price was $7.25.


In 2021, the DOT price reached its all-time high of $55. As the market entered a cooling-off phase and experienced a general decline, Polkadot's price also faced a downward trend. By December, the price of Polkadot had dropped to $27.57.


At the beginning of the year, DOT was still facing the aftermath of the market correction from the previous year. As the bearish sentiment persisted, the DOT price struggled to regain momentum and attract significant buying interest. 

Consequently, the price of Polkadot gradually declined over the course of 2022 and was trading at $4.28 in December, reflecting a substantial drop in value compared to its previous highs.


After starting the year at around $4.32, DOT broke out a few times in 2023, reaching its highest price paid of the year at $7.58 in mid February. Since then, its price has mostly been on the decline, with its lowest price paid of the year dipping to $4.20 in early September.

How does Polkadot work?

Polkadot (DOT) is a blockchain network that enables parallel processing of transactions through its unique architecture of interconnected parachains. Parachains are individual blockchains with their state transition functions connected to the main Relay Chain.

Transactions are proposed by parachains and undergo thorough checks before being added to the finalized chain on the Relay Chain, which serves as the core of the system. It coordinates the network and allows parachains to connect and benefit from its fast and secure transaction finality. Parachains focus on specific use cases and can enjoy the established security and scalability of the whole Polkadot network.

To participate in the Polkadot protocol, parachains need to lease slots via slot auctions, which are limited in number. Polkadot also incorporates bridges that enable interoperability with external networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum, facilitating seamless data transfer between different blockchains. Parathreads provide a pay-as-you-go model for blockchains that don't require continuous connectivity to the Polkadot network.

Polkadot's Substrate, a blockchain development framework, simplifies the process of building blockchains by handling much of the initial design work. The network operates on a nominated Proof of Stake consensus mechanism involving nominators, validators, and collators. Nominators select trustworthy validators who stake Polkadot (DOT) and participate in consensus, while collators maintain valid parachain transactions and send them to validators.

Who are the founders of Polkadot?

The founders of Polkadot are Robert Habermeier, Gavin Wood, and Peter Czaban. 

Robert Habermeier is a Thiel Fellow with expertise in cryptography. 

Gavin Wood is an Ethereum co-founder and creator of Kusama, a Proof of Work network that serves as a testnet for Polkadot. 

Peter Czaban is also the Technology Director of the Web3 Foundation. He has a background in engineering science with a focus on Bayesian machine learning and has worked across various industries including defense, finance, and data analytics.

What is Polkadot used for?

Polkadot (DOT) has multiple uses within the Polkadot ecosystem. It serves as a medium of exchange for transaction fees, and is used for staking and governance within the network. 

DOT also plays a crucial role in the acquisition of parachain slots. A minimum balance of 1 DOT is required to maintain an active account on the network. 

DOT can also be used for activities such as registering on-chain identities, voting for council members, creating proxy accounts, and submitting an intent to nominate validators directly.

What makes Polkadot unique?

One of the key features that sets Polkadot apart is its innovative approach to enabling multiple parallel blockchains (parachains) to operate within its network.

Parachains are individual chains that run in parallel to the Polkadot Relay Chain, which serves as the main hub for network security and consensus. Each parachain can have its own governance model, rules, and functionality, allowing for customization and specialization based on specific use cases or requirements.

The parachain slot auction mechanism is a crucial component of Polkadot's design. Since there is a limited number of parachain slots available on the Relay Chain, these slots are allocated through a competitive bidding process known as the parachain slot auction. The auction enables projects and developers to secure a slot on the Polkadot network for a certain period of time (a maximum of 96 weeks with 12-week increments) to deploy their parachain.

During the auction, projects bid with DOT tokens, the native token of Polkadot. The slot allocation process is designed to be fair and decentralized, where the projects with the highest bids win the available slots. However, instead of permanently owning a slot, the winning projects lease the slot for a specified period, usually in predefined lease durations.

The parachain slot auction model ensures that the most promising and valuable projects gain access to the limited slots, promoting innovation and competition within the ecosystem. It also allows for flexibility and adaptability since projects can choose different lease durations based on their specific needs and budget. 

By limiting the number of active parachains, Polkadot ensures that the overall network performance remains efficient and can handle increased transaction volume. The Relay Chain acts as the central coordinator for the parachains, ensuring their security while facilitating interoperability among the various chains.

Polkadot's new on-chain governance model

Polkadot (DOT) utilizes a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, which means that instead of mining, DOT holders have the opportunity to stake their tokens and participate in the network's consensus and block validation processes.

Below is a step-by-step guide to staking DOT:

  1. Set up a compatible staking wallet to store DOT

  2. Purchase DOT via MoonPay

  3. Delegate your DOT by

    1. Selecting your validators or

    2. Joining a nomination pool

  4. Start earning staking rewards in DOT

Criptomoedas em Tendência

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